Sunday, January 16, 2011

Audio books and car travel

As a family we have enjoyed audio books since our eldest daughter was very young. Over the last 15 years we have done a lot of long-distance travel both by car and air and haven't used a DVD player for them (OK they did have fun with the individual screens on our trip here!). We've used audio books and dramas to fill many hours of travel. I can remember one trip when our daughter was about 3 when I spent time before leaving with a pile of her favourite books and read them onto tapes, complete with a bell to tell her when to turn the page. I only did that once!

We have listened to and enjoyed:

The Pond - a radio drama produced by Tommy Nelson (
We have #1 Singing in the Pond and #2 Chocolate for Life

The Chronicles of Narnia by Focus on the Family Radio Theatre
We have just recently been listening to Prince Caspian and it captivated all of us again.

The Secret Garden by Focus on the Family Radio Theatre

Jungle Jam and Friends, the Radio Show (
There are a number CDs available with "like, 18,000 seconds, that's nearly 5 hours of serious character-building & belly-aching laughs"
This has been a favourite for a very long time. Listened to on many trips and laughed at, even quoting lines as they listened for the nth time. Nana went on a long trip with us a couple of years ago and I'm not sure she appreciated them quite as much!

As we drive along the highway, I pass lots of cars with kids of all ages watching DVDs, listening to their MP3s or iPods, in their own world, and while I can understand the attraction I wouldn't miss the hours we have spent listening together, laughing together singing together and making memories.

There are lots of audiobooks available at local libraries and online. Or make your own - read them and put them onto a CD or USB to take in the car next time!

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